Thursday, May 29, 2014

5/27 homework

Hello everyone, today i chose the single variable calculus, although i have been look this course in my first year in college , but when i look this course in MIT, i almost don't know what it say, maybe it's all English, so i can't understand what it say... so i think if my English not progress than i can't use this website.

Monday, May 26, 2014

5/20 homework

1 the scoop. 瓢

2 keep a rain check  延期接受邀請

3 social secretary 社交秘書

4 fend off 擋開

5 reputation 名氣

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Listening note: 10 expressions/sentences/phrases/words you learn from Studio Classroom.

exciting about對...有興趣
broke out爆發
travel around 周遊
exciting place令人興奮的地方
fun activity有趣活動
refer to 參考

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Steve Jobs' talk

I think the first story can catch my mind, because people always can not find what they want to do in the future in university. But Steve job not only find his interest but also continue to promote it, so when he grow up, he use his life learned to establish apple company, and be a famous person!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

3/25 homework

College Life

hectic :忙碌
The area has become a haven for people tired of the hectic pace of city life.

 behaving in a kind and pleasant way because you like someone or want to help them
A Story to Remember

one of the parts into which a town or city is divided in order to organize elections

very strange or unusual

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Dictionary Exercise

anticipated -預計

1 to expect something
2 to see what might happen in the future and take action to prepare for it

     unveil something

When i use this website, i fell its not very good because i can't find chinese translation
... but its sentence is very good , it's sentence very easy and it is often used !  If i want to use sentence in my blog next time , i think i will use this website, but if i want to know what the word mean, i think i still use google translation!

Friday, February 28, 2014


Hello everybody , I am Frank , nice to meet you all , now I am a university student , but my english is not good , i think i need to practice more and more , i hope i can progress my englise ability , and i hope my TOEIC can reach five hundred fifty score!